Just not feeling it today? THREE #fitandstrong tools to get you over the hump

february inspiration Feb 27, 2020

Ever had a day when you’re Just. Not. feeling. It? I can vouch for having more than one of them in the past. I can confidently say that I will have them in the future too. 

Since we all agree that this is part of living #fitandstrong, let’s talk about my three best tools to get workout-inspired when you’d really rather choose your couch over your gym bag.

  1. Do what you love

When you find yourself stretched thin and reaching for inspiration, give yourself permission to visit the first activity that brought you exercise joy. Today is not the day for a workout you’ve never tried or one you put in the ‘this is hard as shit!’ category.  

If you don’t like lifting weights or running, don’t do them on a low-inspiration day (even if they are in your calendar). Assuming that your workout needs to be pumping iron or jogging will only limit you from finding true joy today. 

Maybe you need to take a walk today, or attend your...

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Why everyone should keep a #fitandstrong journal (AND one bonus tool)

february Feb 20, 2020

What do Marie Curie, Frida Kahlo and Albert Einstein all have in common?

Each of them kept a journal to record their thoughts, experiences, ideas, and feelings. Frida even used her journal to sketch out ideas for her paintings before putting a single drop of paint on canvas.

Keeping a journal can be a HUGELY beneficial self-care practice for everyone - not only for thoughtful artists or pioneers in science and quantum mechanics! In fact, journaling can help us stay accountable with our goals & intentions, track progress and growth, and even help us gain self-confidence. 

Yes, I’ll take another helping of those benefits, please. Make it a double-heap while you’re at it…

This weekend, go get a journal.  It can be as fancy (Franklin Covey Planner) or simple (1 subject spiral notebook) as you'd like. When we journal daily we identify our bad habits so we can re-create them into good ones for lasting...

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60 Minute HIIT Treadmill Strength Workout [Burn 700 Calories!]

february workouts Feb 13, 2020

Have you ever wished you could snap your fingers and a good workout magically appeared in front of you?

All I can say is...ABRACADABRA!

If you’ve ever struggled with feeling blocked-off from feeling fit & strong because you want EXACT steps to follow for a dynamite workout, you won’t want to miss this week's 'Build Your Fit + Strong Toolbox' episode.

I’m giving you a treadmill H.I.I.T. workout you can download and save to as a go-to workout. This way you'll never be without fitness + strength ever again.

I hope you enjoy doing it as much as I enjoyed making it for you!




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How to get yourself to drink more water every day!

february nutrition water Feb 06, 2020

Part of my Fit + Strong journey has been re-training myself to drink water. I used to tell myself “I hate water!” and that put me in a tricky spot more times than I care to admit. 

The hundred (millionth!) time I found myself chugging my full bottle of water after my workout, I realized I had created a really unhealthy pattern for myself. I was dehydrated and nauseated and headachy. And my mouth felt as dry as the Kalahari desert. 

I looked at my water bottle that I’d carried around ALL day and never taken a sip of. That’s when I decided to experiment on myself and figure out how to get myself to drink water throughout the day (instead of lugging a sealed bottle around like an accessory).

And HOT DAMN! I discovered this > > the bottle makes all the difference.

That’s why I’m EXTRA psyched to talk water bottles with you on this week’s Build Your Fit + Strong Toolbox.

If you’ve ever felt your tongue stick to the...

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