Why everyone should keep a #fitandstrong journal (AND one bonus tool)

february Feb 20, 2020

What do Marie Curie, Frida Kahlo and Albert Einstein all have in common?

Each of them kept a journal to record their thoughts, experiences, ideas, and feelings. Frida even used her journal to sketch out ideas for her paintings before putting a single drop of paint on canvas.

Keeping a journal can be a HUGELY beneficial self-care practice for everyone - not only for thoughtful artists or pioneers in science and quantum mechanics! In fact, journaling can help us stay accountable with our goals & intentions, track progress and growth, and even help us gain self-confidence. 

Yes, I’ll take another helping of those benefits, please. Make it a double-heap while you’re at it…

This weekend, go get a journal.  It can be as fancy (Franklin Covey Planner) or simple (1 subject spiral notebook) as you'd like. When we journal daily we identify our bad habits so we can re-create them into good ones for lasting change.

Next week use your new journal to record every accomplishment, no matter how small. This will keep your focus on what’s working, instead of wasting your energy on what’s wrong or a goal that may still be far away. What we focus on most, we get more of. 

Be prepared to discover some things about yourself that you didn’t know. This may be shocking at first, but journaling every day will provide a compound benefit and can shift parts of your life you never expected or considered before!

Living #fitandstrong isn't just about having a strong body. It's about the fitness of your entire life. Your thoughts become words, and your words become actions. When we revise our thoughts, words, and actions, we can transform our lives. And THAT is what fit + strong is all about! 


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