Just not feeling it today? THREE #fitandstrong tools to get you over the hump

february inspiration Feb 27, 2020

Ever had a day when you’re Just. Not. feeling. It? I can vouch for having more than one of them in the past. I can confidently say that I will have them in the future too. 

Since we all agree that this is part of living #fitandstrong, let’s talk about my three best tools to get workout-inspired when you’d really rather choose your couch over your gym bag.

  1. Do what you love

When you find yourself stretched thin and reaching for inspiration, give yourself permission to visit the first activity that brought you exercise joy. Today is not the day for a workout you’ve never tried or one you put in the ‘this is hard as shit!’ category.  

If you don’t like lifting weights or running, don’t do them on a low-inspiration day (even if they are in your calendar). Assuming that your workout needs to be pumping iron or jogging will only limit you from finding true joy today. 

Maybe you need to take a walk today, or attend your favorite yoga class that you haven’t been to in a million years. Follow your inspiration from when you first began your #fitandstrong journey. You will be surprised how much it feels like hanging out with one your closest friends.


  1. Sign a commitment contract

We can make promises to trainers and ourselves all day long, but research shows we’re more likely to follow through with pledges when we make them in front of friends. You can even up the ante by signing a contract agreeing to pay a buddy $20 every time you skip your workout.

Why is this effective? 

Because it increases the value of your word. Let’s say I sign a contract that says  I’m going to make a commitment to do something for a certain amount of time, such as exercising 30 minutes, three times a week, for 12 weeks. If I don’t do that, I’m going to pay some kind of penalty, whether it’s monetary or the embarrassment of having friends know I didn’t live up to my word. 

> > Grab your commitment contract without money penalty here 
> > Grab one WITH money penalty here


  1. Find your (fit + strong) tribe

Researchers in a recent study found that rewarding new gym members with $30 or $60 gift cards for working out made little to no impact on their enthusiasm to sweat. Even though it sounds like a sweet deal to get paid to work out, what REALLY inspires us to get up and move is a strong, supportive community. The laughs, encouragement, and nourishment from the friendships we make are things money simply can’t buy. Whether in the gym or 100% online, there’s a fitness squad for everyone. Find something that feels good and surround yourself with people that build your inner-fitness as much as your external strength.

> > If you haven't already joined our #fitandstrong FB community, click here!


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