Repeat after me: I want sleep!

january Jan 30, 2020

Quick question-  what's your first thought upon waking in the morning?
If it's 'Ugh, I need more sleep,' then you're in the right place.

Since most us don't get the recommended minimum seven hours of sleep per night, I say we take control of the sleep that we DO get to make it the highest quality possible. In this week's episode of 'Build Your Fit + Strong Toolbox' I'm sharing three tools that can help strengthen your slumber by designing a fitter environment  for superb sleep. 

Healthy sleep habits can make a big difference in our quality of life. We live #fitandstrong, and we sleep that way too!

Here's to sleeping solid tonight (and every night after),


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The best way to eat clean at work (it's not what you think!)

january nutrition Jan 23, 2020

Nobody likes walking into the staff lounge to heat up their healthy lunch and feeling tempted by an overflowing table laden with sugary snacks and treats. Believe me, I've been there, and it's really tough to rely on willpower to navigate through this sticky situation (yes, pun intended!). 

Today's 'Build Your Fit & Strong Toolbox' tool shows you how to use the power of your network to stay fit + strong when faced with potentially destructive situations involving oodles and oodles of highly-processed foods.



P.S. I have a nutrition FREEBIE for you!
It's called 'Inside My Toolbox: Kick Ass Abs in 3 Simple Steps.'
You can get yours here > > > I want kick ass abs!





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Fit + Strong Fitness battle: cardio or strength?

january Jan 09, 2020

This time of year I see lots of new faces and old friends returning to the gym. It gets me really excited for them because I KNOW how empowering working out can be for them. I know there's a magical transformation about to happen.

Then I watch them beeline straight to a treadmill and run for 30 minutes, get off and leave. The next day is the same, and the day after that too. 

On the flip side, I also see people limit their workouts to strength training only. They never elevate their heart rates into a zone that provides a benefit to their cardio-respiratory fitness. 

In today's episode of 'Build Your Fit & Strong Toolbox' I'm sharing my perspective on each sides of this workout coin and giving you my recommendation for the BEST way to spend your time when you work out. Will it be cardio or strength? 

Watch and learn!

P.S. If you haven't already gotten yours, I have a FREEBIE for you! It's called 'Inside My Toolbox: Kick Ass Abs in 3 Simple Steps.' You can get...

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