My Progress Report: Halfway through the 12 days of #fitandstrong FITMAS CHALLENGE!


Last week I invited you to join me in the *free* 12 Days of #fitandstrong Fitmas Challenge. 

So this week i thought it would be fun to give you my progress report. 

Today is Day 6 (of 12), inchworms and high knees.

I put together this quick & effective workout challenge to keep us active and moving over the holidays of 2019, and so far it's doing it's job quite well for me  

There's absolutely NO equipment (except a step or other platform) and so far,  I've been able to do the exercises pretty much anywhere.  Plus, each daily workout has taken less than 20 minutes. Some as short as 5 mins total!

EVEN BETTER … it’s really nice to have a little something to do while on vacation. I am feeling SO GOOD about completing each day of this challenge as I enter the New Year!

I have more energy, I'm sleeping great, and am moving better than previous holiday vacations.  AND I won’t have to make up for any lost ground...

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12 days of #fitandstrong FITMAS CHALLENGE!

Are you ready for MY GIFT to YOU this holiday season?

It’s the gift of #fitandstrong FITNESS!

I’ve put together a quick & effective workout challenge to keep you active and moving over the next couple weeks, even if you’re heading out of town.

It requires absolutely NO equipment (except a step or other platform) and you can do it pretty much anywhere. Plus, each workout will take less than 20 minutes.

EVEN BETTER … it’s the gift that keeps on giving. You will feel SO GOOD about completing this challenge as we enter the New Year!

You’ll have more energy, sleep better, move better, AND you won’t have to make up for any lost ground in your fitness & strength.

Here’s how it works: every day, starting with Day 1, complete 1 workout.

After you warm up with some light movement/ stretching, you’ll “ladder” the 2 exercises for that day, going back and forth between them, adding reps each round.

Here’s what it...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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