30 min circuit workout | NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED

Hey my friend!

I've got another no equipment, home workout for you today. This is a total body smash, no muscle groups are left behind.  You will feel balanced and complete at the end, I promise!

Go grab a towel and your water bottle- it's all you need. Everything below this is a description of the workout. If you don't care about reading it, go ahead and hit PLAY, and get your #fitandstrong on.

Workout set up/ how to do it: I'll set a timer for 10 minutes and do A.M.R.A.P. (as many rounds as possible). We'll do two different 10 minute sets. The first set is Upper Body. The second set is Lower Body.

Upper Body A.M.R.A.P.
10 walkout with T-rotation
8 step-back burpees
8 slow mountain climbers
3 (10sec) side plank holds

Lower Body A.M.R.A.P.
12 jump squats
12 curtsy lunges
12 frog pumps
12 hip bridges

We ALWAYS do a dynamic warm up and a stretch cool down. It's in the vid!

Hope you enjoy this one, my friend. Plenty more where that came from. I'm currently doing live...

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