E.M.O.M. (every minute on the minute) + Core Flow 🔥burn 300 calories 🔥

Hey my friend!

Yes, I've got another home workout for you to do. I had sweat dripping off my chin by the end of it. No, I'm not lying!

You don't need any equipment for this one, so go grab a towel and your water bottle right now. Everything below this is a description of the workout. If you don't care about reading it, go ahead and hit PLAY, and get your #fitandstrong on.

Complete the following every minute on the minute for 18 mins:

ODD MINS: Cossack Squat (8/ side)/ 3 burpees

EVEN MINS: 3 Squat Pulse w/ Front Kick (6/ side)/ 12 Skater jumps

Then, 3 rounds of an awesome Core Flow.

Fit + Strong Tip: Maximize your mindset by really breathing through the work! Tell yourself ONE MINUTE AT A TIME.

Hope you enjoy this one, my friend. Plenty more where that came from. I'm currently doing live workouts every M-W-F at 10am on my Fit + Strong Facebook page. And YOU have an open invitation to work out with me!




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