How to Foam Roll Your Lower Body [video + workout included]

march mobility workouts Mar 12, 2020

We've dedicated the month of March to mobility at Fit + Strong, and today we're building on last week's How to Foam Roll Your Upper Body  episode.

Some of you may know that in October I over-trained and hurt my back.  Man, I was in pain!  So I decided I was going to do something about it . For one month I committed to stretching 20 minutes every day. It helped loosen my body more than I ever thought  possible in 30 days. It was so amazing!

This experience really changed the importance that I place on mobility (of the joints) and flexibility (of the muscles). As a fitness professional, instructor, and trainer for the last 16 years I've preached to clients, "flexibility is so important, mobility is so powerful, don't you dare skip it!"

Now that I'm in my mid-forties, it's not just important. It's VITAL to my health. Mobility and flexibility have become a higher priority for me now than ever before.

That's why we are doing 'March Mobility' this entire...

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How to Foam Roll Your Upper Body [video + workout included]

march mobility workouts Mar 05, 2020

At Fit + Strong HQ, the month of March is dedicated to mobility, and this week's episode starts with a tool I covet: the foam roller.

Some of you may know that in October I over-trained and hurt my back.  I was in chronic pain and trying to teach classes in pain is the WORST. So I decided I was going to do something about it .

For the month of December I committed to stretching 20 minutes every day. It helped loosen my body more than I ever thought  possible in 30 days. It was so amazing!

This experience really changed the importance that I place on mobility (of the joints) and flexibility (of the muscles). As a fitness professional, instructor, and trainer for the last 16 years I've preached to clients, "flexibility is so important, mobility is so powerful, don't you dare skip it!"

Now that I'm in my mid-forties, it's not just important. It's VITAL to my health. Mobility and flexibility have become a higher priority for me now than ever before.

That's why we are doing...

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