How to ROCK Any Holiday Party with Fitness & Strength

holidays Dec 05, 2019

People make so many assumptions about living #fitandstrong while enjoying the plethora of holiday parties that wiggle onto our calendars this time of year.

> Everywhere I turn there’s bad food tempting me.

> It’s going to be really tough for me to stay the course because I’ve been invited to so many holiday parties.

> Have you SEEN the spread at my work’s annual holiday party? Let me tell you…

> I’m so busy over the holidays. I’m just going to pick my #fitandstrong lifestyle back up in the new year.

Well, call me crazy but as the only fitness professional here (Oops, another assumption!) I can say with certainty that none of the above is true.

I’ve had busy clients attend holiday parties every weekend from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve with elegance, fitness & strength.

What if I told you enjoying holiday parties was just a game of strategy and a matter of knowing what you want better than you know the words to ‘Jingle Bells’ ( or Dreidel, Dreidel, whatevs)...?

On the vlog today I’m sharing a tool that will take you straight outta crazy town.

You’ll learn how to rock ANY holiday party you’re attending the #fitandstrong way. This is the tool that will take you from being a buffet table lurker to a guest who has the freedom to focus on authentic connection with others around you.

I’m going to share the five-minute tool with you today so you can officially throw all of your assumptions out the window.

Sound cooler then a glass of Eggnog? Yeah, I thought you'd say that. 

Your personal holiday party myth buster,




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